Can you time travel? If not, you might want to think about the next best thing.
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Find This Room: Retro
Let’s Pwn Retro
1- Recon
Wow, look at The RDP, we will discuss it later
2- We will use gobuster to search for hidden directories
gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-lowercase-2.3-medium.txt -q -t 105 -x php,asp,aspx,txt,html
/retro (Status: 301)
We found it /retro
Dentro de la pagina encontramos un post el cual contiene un comentario del usuario wade.
Let’s Connect To RDP
use parzival for RDP connection
System Informations
Build 14393
Let’s Get The First Flag
Now how can we escalate the privilege to open cmd as administrator?
following images so that you can obtain the root flag
Open Recycle Bin
Make sure you saved to System32
Search for cmd and open it normally, not as administrator