boot2root machine for FIT and bsides guatemala CTF
Find This Room: DAV
We deploy the machine and start with a nmap scan for open ports
nmap -sV -sC -oN scan1
From our result, we can see that the 80 port is open, which is running an Appache with a default page
- Let’s run a gobuster search too and see our results. It seems that a webdav service is runnning
gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt
Navigating to the /webdav directory, the login page shows up. We need some credentials, and searching on google we can find some
user: wampp
pass: xampp
- After we log in, we can see a file named
inside the directory
- Reading the file, it seems to be some credentials with a hashed password. Trying to unhashed it, i realised it’s nothing that we can do with it so i continued to read about WebDAV service. It has some similarities with the ftp, among with the cadaver: we can upload some files in that /webdav directory. Let’s login with the cadaver, the WebDAV client, using the same default credentials
Username: wampp
Password: xampp
Now, let’s try to upload a reverse I use php shell
put php-reverse-shell.php
- It seems like our reverse shell was uploaded, so let’s start a nc listener and access our php shell file
nc -lvnp 1234
User escalation
And we’re in. Let’s spawn an interactive shell and read our first flag, located inside the home directory of the merlin user
python -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
Root escalation
- Let’s run a
sudo -l
command to see what commands cand www-data user can run
- It seems that the we can run the cat command with super user privileges so we can read our root flag
sudo cat /root/root.txt