Critical TyrHackMe Write Up

Mohamed Ali
11 min readJul 18, 2024


Acquire the basic skills to analyze a memory dump in a practical scenario.

Task 1 Introduction

Our user “Hattori” has reported strange behavior on his computer and realized that some PDF files have been encrypted, including a critical document to the company named important_document.pdf. He decided to report it; since it was suspected that some credentials might have been stolen, the DFIR team has been involved and has captured some evidence. Join the team to investigate and learn how to get information from a memory dump in a practical scenario.

No Answer Nedded

Task 2 Memory Forensics

Let’s now recap some important concepts about memory forensics that may be useful for us while working on the scenario we are presented with.

In cyber security, memory forensics is a subset of computer forensics that analyzes volatile memory, usually on a compromised machine; in Windows OS, it corresponds to the Random Access Memory (RAM), and its content is flushed with every reboot or shutdown, making it one of the usual initial task to perform during an incident. The process differs from disk forensics analysis since it not only provides information about what resides on the target computer but also provides us with information about the processes or applications that were running at a particular time and detailed information on the execution flow on a system that may not be present in regular storage units or application logs.

This memory analysis can help us with an immediate snapshot of an application’s or a timestamp of an attacker’s actions. This is crucial since evidence collected through memory forensics can become invaluable in creating a chronology of events.

We can divide the tasks in a Memory forensic task into two main phases: Memory Acquisition and Memory Analysis.

During the memory acquisition phase, we’ll copy the live memory to a file, commonly referred to as a dump, to perform the analysis without risking losing the data from an inadvertent reboot on the compromised system and have proof of the analysis inc as needed.

Task 3 Environment & Setup

Using the knowledge from our previous task, we can approach the first phase of our memory forensic task, Memory Acquisition, and determine the environment and tools we will use to analyze the memory dump.

Imaging Tools

There are several ways to acquire the memory from the target machine if needed; several tools can help us, but which one to use will depend on personal preference and the OS involved in the imaging task. Some of these tools are:

FTK imager, WinPmem

A memory dump named memdump.mem will be present at the home address at /home/analyst

To analyze the dump, we’ll use Volatility 3, a popular choice among analysts to inspect a memory during an incident. In this case, the tool has been installed, and an alias was created for simplicity; entering the command vol will execute Volatiliy3 in the terminal. The -h switch can display the help menu, as shown below.

user@machine$ vol -h
usage: volatility [-h] [-c CONFIG] [--parallelism [{processes,threads,off}]] [-e EXTEND] [-p PLUGIN_DIRS] [-s SYMBOL_DIRS]
[-v] [-l LOG] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-q] [-r RENDERER] [-f FILE] [--write-config] [--save-config SAVE_CONFIG]
[--clear-cache] [--cache-path CACHE_PATH] [--offline] [--single-location SINGLE_LOCATION]
[--stackers [STACKERS [STACKERS ...]]]
[--single-swap-locations [SINGLE_SWAP_LOCATIONS [SINGLE_SWAP_LOCATIONS ...]]]

As we can observe from the above output, Volatility gives us several options to analyze the memory. We can list the plugins specific for each OS since, in our case, we are analyzing a memory dump from Windows; let’s list the Windows plugins executing Volatility using the windows keyword as an argument to search for Windows plugins with the --help switch to list them, as shown below.

user@machine$ vol windows --help
usage: volatility [-h] [-c CONFIG] [--parallelism [{processes,threads,off}]] [-e EXTEND] [-p PLUGIN_DIRS] [-s SYMBOL_DIRS] [-v] [-l LOG] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-q] [-r RENDERER] [-f FILE] [--write-config] [--save-config SAVE_CONFIG] [--clear-cache] [--cache-path CACHE_PATH] [--offline]
[--single-location SINGLE_LOCATION] [--stackers [STACKERS [STACKERS ...]]] [--single-swap-locations [SINGLE_SWAP_LOCATIONS [SINGLE_SWAP_LOCATIONS ...]]]
plugin ...
volatility: error: argument plugin: plugin windows matches multiple plugins (windows.bigpools.BigPools, windows.cachedump.Cachedump, windows.callbacks.Callbacks, windows.cmdline.CmdLine, windows.crashinfo.Crashinfo, windows.devicetree.DeviceTree, windows.dlllist.DllList, windows.driverirp.DriverIrp, windows.drivermodule.DriverModule, windows.driverscan.DriverScan, windows.dumpfiles.DumpFiles, windows.envars.Envars, windows.filescan.FileScan, windows.getservicesids.GetServiceSIDs, windows.getsids.GetSIDs, windows.handles.Handles, windows.hashdump.Hashdump,, windows.joblinks.JobLinks, windows.ldrmodules.LdrModules, windows.lsadump.Lsadump, windows.malfind.Malfind, windows.mbrscan.MBRScan, windows.memmap.Memmap, windows.mftscan.ADS, windows.mftscan.MFTScan, windows.modscan.ModScan, windows.modules.Modules, windows.mutantscan.MutantScan, windows.netscan.NetScan, windows.netstat.NetStat, windows.poolscanner.PoolScanner, windows.privileges.Privs, windows.pslist.PsList, windows.psscan.PsScan, windows.pstree.PsTree, windows.registry.certificates.Certificates, windows.registry.hivelist.HiveList, windows.registry.hivescan.HiveScan, windows.registry.printkey.PrintKey, windows.registry.userassist.UserAssist, windows.sessions.Sessions, windows.skeleton_key_check.Skeleton_Key_Check, windows.ssdt.SSDT, windows.statistics.Statistics, windows.strings.Strings, windows.svcscan.SvcScan, windows.symlinkscan.SymlinkScan, windows.vadinfo.VadInfo, windows.vadwalk.VadWalk, windows.vadyarascan.VadYaraScan, windows.verinfo.VerInfo, windows.virtmap.VirtMap)

Plugins are extremely helpful during the analysis when using Volatility3 since they will quickly parse a memory dump for specific data types and sort the data according to the selected plugin. You can find a summary of some of the most relevant plugins below

Lists process command line arguments
Determines if any loaded drivers were hidden by a rootkit
Scans for file objects present in a particular Windows memory image
Print the SIDs owning each process
Lists process open handles
Show OS & kernel details of the memory sample being analyzed
Windows.netscanScans for network objects present in a particular Windows memory image
Widnows.netstatTraverses network tracking structures present in a particular Windows memory image.
Scans for Alternate Data Stream
Lists the processes present in a particular Windows memory image
List processes in a tree based on their parent process ID

Now that we know how to access our environment and which tools we will use, let’s move to the next phase, where we’ll start analyzing the data.

Task 4 Gathering Target Information

Obtaining Information

Getting information about the target is crucial to our investigation since it ensures we’re analyzing the correct context and environment of the evidence. This step helps us understand specific architecture and operating systems, ensuring our findings’ accuracy, relevance, and legitimacy.

We can get information about the target using the -f switch to indicate the file to analyze, in this case, memdump.mem followed by the plugin used to get the general information, as in the example shown below.

user@machine$ vol -f memdump.mem
Volatility 3 Framework 2.5.2
Progress: 100.00PDB scanning finished

Kernel Base 0xf9066161c000
DTB 0x1ac000
Symbolsfile: ///home/analyst/volatility3-2.5.2/volatility3/symbols/windows/ntkrnlmp.pdb/4DBE144182FF4156845CD3BD8B65
Is64Bit False
IsPAE False
layer_name 0 WindowsIntel32e
memory_layer 1 FileLayer
KdVersionBlock 0xf8066222a400
Major/Minor 15.19041
MachineType 34404
KeNumberProcessors 2
SystemTime 2024-02-24 22:52:52
NtSystemRoot C:\Windows
NtProductType NtProductWinNt
NtMajorVersion 7
NtMinorVersion 0
PE MajorOperatingSystemVersion 10
PE MinorOperatingSystemVersion 0
PE Machine 34404
PE TimeDateStamp Sat Jan 13 03:45:32 2085

The output above shows relevant information to identify the machine we are working on, such as architecture, number of processors, and version. All this can help us correlate information and data with other analyses performed in separate hardware of the compromised machine or the network itself while still having proof this is the machine that was compromised.

Whit this into consideration, navigate to the working directory in the VM and execute the command vol -f memdump.mem to answer the next questions.

Task 5 Searching for Suspicious Activity

Now that we have the information from the target we are working on let’s try to identify any suspicious activity in the memory dump.

Suspicious Activity

Suspicious activity refers to technical anomalies that may be present in a system, such as unexpected processes, unusual network connections, or registry modifications. These activities often signal potential security threats like malware attacks or data breaches.

Starting the Search

We can start by observing any potential network activity. We can use the plugin windows.netstat to see if there's an interesting or unusual connection. At this stage, remote access connections or access to suspicious sites are something to look for.

Let’s navigate to the /home/analyst directory and execute the command.

vol -f memdump.mem windows.netstat

From the output above, we can observe a connection established on port 3389 from the IP with timestamp 2024-02-24 22:47:52.00 ; this could indicate an attacker's initial access.

Now that we have information about the network, let’s look at the processes. A volatility plugin we can use is windows.pstree, which will display a tree of the process running on the OS.

vol -f memdump.mem windows.pstree

As we can observe from the above output, the command provides us with information on processes hierarchically running on the system, indicating to us the process and their respective parent process. In this case, Services.exe is the parent process of dllhost.exe

But how can we identify a suspicious process? One of the most common ways is to check the name of the process; threat actors commonly use names to try to disguise the execution. One of the ways to do this is to check that this process is not usually present. We can find a list of processes commonly used in Windows represented in the image below.

Considering the above and looking again at the output, we can observe a process with the truncated name critical_updat, as shown below.

This process does not look like it is part of the system, and observing in detail, it’s the parent process of updater.exe, which is also not listed as a process part of the Windows OS.

Great. We identify a possible malicious process and should note the information, like timestamp, PID, PPID, and Memory offset.

Task 6 Finding Interesting Data

With the information we have collected, we can investigate the process critical_updat that we learned in our previous task, which has a child process called updater. Let's investigate the child process more in-depth. Let's start by looking at where on the disk it was saved; for that, we can use the plugin windows.filescan which will allow us to examine the files accessed that are stored in the memory dump. This output is quite big, so to access the data in a better way, we will use the > character in bash to redirect the output to a file, in this case, filescan_out.

vol -f memdump.mem windows.filescan > filescan_out

After executing the command, we can inspect the data by using cat and filtering using the grep command as shown below.

cat filescan_out |grep updater

Above, we can observe that the files have been stored in the Directory \Users\user01\Documents\updater.exe or C:\Users\user01\Documents\updater.exe

If we want to have more detailed information like when the file was accessed or modified, we can use the plugin windows.mftscan.MFTScan, whose output is also quite big, so we will redirect the output to the file mftscan_out as shown below.

vol -f memdump.mem windows.mftscan.MFTScan > mftscan_out

We can then use the grep command again to parse the file for the appearance of updater.exe.

cat mftscan_out | grep updater

From the output above, we observe the last four timestamps correspond to the Created, Modified, Updated, and Accessed TimeStamps; we can take notes of those.

Getting the Goods

Let’s get information on the process. There are several ways to examine memory, but we will continue using volatility. This time, we will dump the memory region corresponding to updater.exe , and examine it.

To accomplish the above, we’ll use the plugin windows.memmap. This time, we'll specify the output dir with the -o switch. In this case, we will use the same directory denoted by the character " . "and the option --dump followed by the option --pid and the PID of the process, which in the case of updater.exe is.

vol -f memdump.mem -o . windows.memmap --dump --pid 1612

When the command above is finished, we will have a file with an extension .dmp in our working directory.

Examining the file is difficult since it contains non-printable characters, so we’ll use the strings command to analyze the output better. Since we have the file strings available to us now, we could look for key patterns like HTTP or key or any pattern that can lead us quickly to an artefact. Another way to scroll the terminal is by using the less command piped to the strings to navigate through the output as the command output below.

strings pid.1612.dump |less

As we can observe, we immediately identified a possible key and a domain from a URL that the process may have accessed. Also, by scrolling down, we found more indications that this is a malicious process since we can find the important_document.pdf filename indicating an interaction with the file.

Great, we can infer that the process updater.exe accessed the document important_document.pdf and accessed a "key" at some point in the URL .

If we use the command grep to look for the HTTP request that may be stored in memory, we can do it using -B and -A to look for 10 lines above and below our match to see if we can spot something else.

strings pid.1612.dmp |grep -B 10 -A 10 ""

Scrolling up, we can observe the HTTP request, as displayed.

From the above, we can observe at the end of the HTTP request the content of the file encKey.txt, and on the same request, we can observe data with the value cafebabe. This could be the key to encrypting the PDF used by the attacker that was not downloaded to disk.

Excellent. We collected valuable information from the memory dump, including the possible key used to encrypt the documents.

Task 7 Conclusion & Wrapping Up


In this scenario, we have put into practice the skills necessary to start digging into the world of memory forensics and practice with a tool like volatility, which is widely used among digital forensics professionals.

We learned how to gather information about the machine the dump belongs to, search for connections, enumerate and investigate processes, and examine the content for malicious patterns in a memory dump.



Mohamed Ali
Mohamed Ali

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